Even though people have been eating since the beginning of time, it can sometimes be somewhat difficult to discover what the exact motivation for eating really is.
You could be trying to find ways to fill the time, or feeling stressed about other matters completely. Whatever the case may be, it’s very important to get to the root of what is causing you to eat, especially if you are wanting to make changes in your eating habits.
If you are just beginning to make changes, asking yourself the following questions can help you decide whether or not to eat something.
1. Did You Get Enough Fluids?
One of the things that a lot of people find out about their eating is that they were never hungry in the first place. This can happen very easily if you don’t drink enough water in a day. If you make it a point to drink water, or tea, you might discover that all you needed was a small amount of fluids. If you were just thirsty, then you will probably feel satisfied immediately after finishing a tall glass of water.
2. Is This a Craving?
A lot of foods these days are highly processed made to have a certain amount of “craveability,” which means that a lot of these foods are made with high levels of the things that stimulate human biological responses like sugars, salts, and fats. One of the most common ways that you will know it’s a craving, is by the way that you will pursue specific brands of foods. Normal hunger is far less discriminate, which is why hungry people often utter the phrase, “I could eat anything.”
3. What Do I Really Want?
The role that mind plays in the battle for fulfillment can be quite complex and confusing. The one thing that is important to know about emotional eating is that it doesn’t come from any sort of physical desire, and is really developed by most people as a way to soothe, pleasure, or medicate themselves. Getting to the root of the problem is always advisable.
4. Is This Too Much Food?
Aside from not eating, portion control can be another simple way to keep emotional eating from becoming an issue. Before you sit down to eat, be sure that you have an appropriate amount of food on your plate. Eating too much is not only unhealthy, but also wasteful, and could be costing you a lot of extra money each month.
What other techniques do you find helpful when trying to change your eating habits? I’d love to hear about them in the comments.