Note: Not all of these files/pages are available to the general public, some resources are for registered clients only.


External Mental Health Links:

The following links are listed to provide you with additional online mental health care information and counseling resources.

Addiction and Recovery

Anxiety Disorders

Associations & Institutes

Center for Mental Health Services

Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

Child Abuse and Domestic Violence

SAMHSA’s Children and Families

Chronic Fatigue


Developmental Disorders

Yale Autism Program


Dissociation and Traumatic Stress

Eating Disorders

Journals & Magazines

Depression and Anxiety

Language and Cognitive Processes

Substance Abuse

Medications and Health Supplements

Medications, PDR

Mental Health Care General Links

Personality Disorders

Suicide Awareness and Hotlines

Additional Mental Health Care & Counseling Resources

Get in touch